Like if ur not racist


Like if ur not racist

87 1
I am definitely not racist!
yeah same but there are a few people who have proved to me they are unfortunately
Oh no! That's terrible! Who?
I am not racist
some called FOCUS who is bullying her and I
me to. I will never be racist
I am definitely not racist, everyone should be treated the same in this world!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I agree
I hope that girl stops bullying you
nice still going look at my recent post then and the girl with the grey pic of her friends
follow me please
definitely not when j see people segregating I cry
sorry I
I am totally not racist but my worst enemy who is a black person is racist to me! it hurts😓
hey I'd she delete the comment? I can't find it :(
yeah she deleted all her comments so it looks like she didn't say it but I got proof I screen shot it before she deleted it
omg I feel u a person is being mean to me to the same colour who is doing it to u I get u PastalCreative
it's not fair :(
yeah it's not
She doesn't have PicCollage I know her in real life and I wish I didn't😓