Should it be clean or dirty, u pick


Should it be clean or dirty, u pick

12 1
dirty or clean
should I start
* I knock on your door *
* I look at you * lets go to a party
* I smile * at my friends house
* we walk to my friends house and we walk in the house *
* I sit on the couch, then a girl comes up to you and she asks you if I'm a les *
* she tells you that she's just asking *
* she walks off and she sits next to me *
* she holds me in her arms *
* I look at you * what's wrong
I kinda know her, I met her yesterday
it's a her
* she whispers something my ears and she's kisses my cheek *
* I walk outside and I sit next to you *
she's a best friend of mine
* she walks outside because she's looking for me *
* she tells you that she need to talk to you *
* she says it's about you friend *
* she tells you that we were joking when I kissed her cheek *
* she sits next to us *
* I walk home too *
* I answer the phone *
yes, what is it best friend
it's alright
* you hear my window break and you hear me scream *
* I say * why
* you hear a person yelling for me to give him money and you hear a gun shot *
* the guy runs out my house with money *
* my arm is bleeding from him shooting me *
* the guy comes back in the house *
* he points the gun at me again *
* when he pulls the trigger, I jump in front of you and the bullet hits my other arm *
* I cry *
* I start closing my eyes but I open them back up *
* I say * I'm scared
* my heart stops and the EMS people start doing cpr on me *
* it takes them an whole hour to bring me back to life *
* she tells you that I'm in a coma *
* you see me in a coma *
* you see a tear roll down my face *
k :)
* I wake up from the coma *
* I look at you and smile * hey
* hugs you back *
* I laugh * believe what
I'm alright now
can we go home now
but stay with me even when I fall asleep
* the nurse tells us that we can go home now *
* we arrive home *
* you lay me down on the bed and you turn on the tv *
* I put them on and smile * thanks
* the news channel comes on and it shows me getting in the ambulance *
* I start crying *
* I keep on crying *
* I look at you * what if he comes back
* you can see that I'm scared *
* I smile and I start falling asleep *
* you can feel that I'm having a nightmare *
* I wake up and I scream *
* I start crying *
* I look at you *
* I walk out the room *
* I cry * I can't tell him
* we walk back in the room *
hey :)
can u start
* I tell the doctor what happened *
* we arrive home *
* I smile *
* there's a knock at the door *
* it's the girl at the party *
* she asks if I'm ok *
* she tells that she only know about the shooting and she wants to know the whole story *
btw I'm a female
* I tear when you tell the story and I go to the bedroom *
* tear up
yea I'm a girl
I'm a les
thx for not judging
let's continue the Rp