So annoyed right nowπŸ˜‘


So annoyed right nowπŸ˜‘

122 6
legit everyday of my life
as confusing as this is- yes
yes!!! happens all the time.
happening right know with my friend
like jeez just f-in leave me alone before I do get mad!!
(that's how I feel)
i tried to read this really fast but my brain wouldnt process what i just readπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I just want to put my hand over their face and say SHUT UP...πŸ˜‚
yea totally lol
I hate it when people do that!
yeah, it super annoying. plus, that was a bit confusing with all the "mads" you used. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I understand tho
yessss I have friends who do this to me and then I end up mad because that don't stop for like 20 minutes or more
yessssssss it's like high on my list of pet peeves
confusing funny and yes
it's one of my pet peeves too
then you're like #dead
OMG yes