Collage by jaydos_23


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so your still with her?
do you even love her?
yes I really do, more than anything
you said you loved me tho, like 6 months ago. have you always loved her?
when did I say I loved you lol?
just saying but you can't still be hung up on me, remember David hahaha
what happened with him
I don't even like him. I only got with him to make you jealous so you would leave her and go for me. and yes I'm still hung up on you. I mean look at you. your gorgeous and I'm so jealous of that girl you like
and you said you loved me 6 months ago, I said I love you and you said I love you too, and then you broke up with your girlfriend and you said you thought you did the right thing and did what your heart wanted which was me
but... I never broke up with her? what are you on about?
oh wait no that was messed up
what do you mean? that was messed up?
everything happening back then haha
did you even like me? or was that a lie? did you mean it when you said you love me too?, or do you say that to every girl who says it to you
wow your less of a man then what I thought. you won't even admit that you loved me too . wow
you said you loved me. was that a lie?
so you did love me?
yeah, as a friend :)
sure. you said you wanted to be more tho
was that a lie?
no I didn't
yes you did
show me when I did and I might believe you
your suck a f**kboy
how am I?
look at you, you treat girls bad
what? how have I treated anyone badly?
wow you can't even see it
you confuse me woman😔
do you have any feelings for me? be honest