


153 19
I still think u r amazing!😘. Tell me if there is anything I can do!πŸ’•βœ¨πŸ˜˜
likw is your collages are amazeballs 😍😘. plz keep makin them 😩😊
Don't think that and lower your self esteem. I think your collages are great and their actually kinda different from the rest of the collagers on PC.
your colleges are amazing I love them so awesome 😘😘😍😍
I honestly love your account, and you don't need a feature to know your followers love you πŸ’•
Your collages are awesome.😍😘
I think your collages are FREAKING AMAZING!! just because Pic Collage didn't chose to feature doesn't mean they suck.
bc they dot
Thank you guys so much you're all so supportive I REALLY appreciate all the things you do for me. 😘
trust me your collages are great I only follow the best collages and the ones I find inspirations from. so keep up the good work! xx
I think that your collages are amazing, really proffesional, and beautiful❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️
I think your collages are amazing! You're doing way better than I am your posting way better things and you have a bunch of followers that love and support what you post! I honestly think your collages look beautiful!
your collages are amazing that's why we follow you you are the shine to the sun idk if that even made sense oh well xoxo,mars
Your collages are soo good😊 And you're a great friend too.πŸ˜‡ There is a reason why you have 10K followers😏😏😏
you just have anxiety it gets to you I have it too just make collages what you feel like to make (if that makes senseπŸ˜‚) what I'm saying it's hard to get followers your collages are good don't doubt yourself😘 that why you have 10 freakin K followers they support you in any way possible 😘❀️🌸☁️
hey don't feel bad your collages are fantastic of it was up to me I'd put all of your collages on featured
Ahem, okay…so, where do I begin about you? You are super duper nice to, like, everyone on PC. You're not a failure. If you just keep telling yourself that, you will feel so much happier and better about yourself. You can do anything because you ARE a success. Don't tell yourself you're a failure, and don't let anyone tell you that. Because it's not true. Just believe in yourself, okay, Kikwis? Stay positive.
And I was being brutally honest about that.
r u serious?! u literally made my day with that tutorial!!
I think you are absolutely wonderful at making collages. You're much better than me. You are totally amazing in every way. I've never got a feature and I've been on pc for more than a year now. I've never gotten to 5k. You are a total success compared to a lot of people!πŸ˜˜πŸ‘‘πŸ₯πŸŽ€πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸŒΊπŸŒΈ
Your awesome, and wonderful and better than I am