Baby, I hope you are doing okay I know I have been a dîck lately and I'm sorry you mean the world to me and I'm the happiest guy with you and of course hann❤️ you're all that matters to me and I love you very much! Things may be tough at the moment but it


Baby, I hope you are doing okay I know I have been a dîck lately and I'm sorry you mean the world to me and I'm the happiest guy with you and of course hann❤️ you're all that matters to me and I love you very much! Things may be tough at the moment but it

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i trying really hard but idk if i can do it anymore -hugs u and cries- i love u //Ash
yes you can, I know you can! *hugs you back tight*
-cries- i cant. i really cant.
think about Hannah she loves you and misses you! how do you think she'll feel *rubs your back*
-cries- i miss her sm. i cant even be a good mommy anymore.
you are the best mother I know ash stop it, she talks about you everyday almost she misses you
-tears fall- gosh i miss her...
please don't go *looks at you*
-looks at u- my baby girl needs me....
she really does *nods*
but she needs u too....-looks at u hurt-
she needs you ash.. if you leave.. God knows what she'll do
im not leaving....but Dakota u havent been here....u dont hear wht see says...he dolls are us. one is me and one is u and she says tht they love each other alot but tht ur doll is never here so my doll is sad alot...
I'm sorry and I know that may not cut it but I am look, I was trying to find a plane ticket so I could come see you because I felt bad but my mom caught me and I've been a wreck without you I'm sorry
I really love you *looks at you*
i really love u too -kisses u-
*kisses you back* I'm sorry I couldn't come
-shakes my head-its ok i jus needa see my little girl
*smiles* I'll go get her
wait....thank u -smiles- for not leaving me and Han
baby, I'm never leaving *smiles*
-kisses u softly and whispers- i love u
*kisses you back* I love you too :)
(i rly needa go to sleep i have a huge bio final tmr)
get some rest❤️
i'll try❤️goodnight i love u sm
i'll b on tmr night😘❤️
goodnight! i love you so much also😘
ill be waiting 😘😊