Okay so I've been super stressed and sad lately so imma post stuff in the comments that makes me happy


Okay so I've been super stressed and sad lately so imma post stuff in the comments that makes me happy

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One day I was super sad and I turned off the lights in my room to go to bed, and when I entered my room, I noticed my fairylights were on and it made me happy
Shia kept coming up to me a few days ago, and kept cuddling with me
My sister got the Sims to work again!
I've entered a bunch of art contests, and one will be judged soon
My sister recreated our family and our house on the Sims
I've been eating a lot more recently
I got promoted to queen
All of your comments and remixes on that one post made me suuuuuuper happy
Its spring break so I dont have seminary
Shia is currently sleeping on my lap and shes adorable