He should really be more clear on wether or not he likes me


He should really be more clear on wether or not he likes me

61 5
I think you should tell him how you feel. If he does not like you, get over it. There are so many guys out there.
Who knows he might be trying to make you jealous!😃
lol last comment
Very funny! 😃
omg i can relate to these so much
contest on my page
just let go on the fact. heck, guys dont come with directions (sadly) you just can assume theyre gonna make the 1st move. sometime you gotta grow a pair and woman up and you make the 1st move :3
lol thanks!
have you ever been in a relationship? Does he even know if you like him?
(if you respond, please respond on my page so I'll know if you responded or not 😉💕)
OMG wow
Hmm... Guys can be weird... What you take for flirting might just be him joking around (us girls take things so seriously 😂) Talk to Gabby and see what she thinks! Give it some time, show him you like him even more, he'll come around 😉
Place an order in my outfit maker! 😃
ask him out
don't be scared just approach him when he is alone and say it if he says no there are other people in the world