I will be alone on valetines so i am like robin in the left picture.......ALONE????😭😭😭😓😰😥😢😭😭😓😰😥😰😢😢😰😥😓😭😢😭😢😢😢😰😓😥😭😢😓😰😥😭😢


I will be alone on valetines so i am like robin in the left picture.......ALONE????😭😭😭😓😰😥😢😭😭😓😰😥😰😢😢😰😥😓😭😢😭😢😢😢😰😓😥😭😢😓😰😥😭😢

7 0
that's creepy
me too I'm going to be alone to my boyfriend just broke up with me
same my bae broke up with me for some other chick