Go follow GlitteringPixieDust!!!


Go follow GlitteringPixieDust!!!

5 1
crazy about one person= crush💕💔💖💞💝💘💓
and I would love to chat! 😄
thank you so much!!!
I don't have a crush! I just really like that "quote" cuz everything else applys to me
ah! don't worry! ur not a geek! I love English or social studies, or DIT, or science... DIT!!! cuz I finish my work really fast cuz the girl next to me is really good at coding!!
DIT is digital input tech. (coding) my friend next to me is REALLY good at it, and the teacher lets us copy/ help eachother, and work together! so she helps me, and then we travel the world on Google earth!!!
and we prove aliens are real. it's true. they are. spread the word.
we finish within 5-45 min! and each class is 90 min...
I have an iPhone 6S
free time? what's that?😂😂😂
that doesn't exist in my world
I just get off topic while ATTEMPTING my homework
then when I finish, I do the next day's homework so I can have POSSIBLE free time the next day..
also my most used
I didn't get on poppage tho
yes I saw it earlier it's the one 'time to move on'
oh.. u mean featured!!! yeah! I got 2 on featured
yeah, they are