ask me questions😝


ask me questions😝

61 14
4 plz
4- my biggest worry is about the plane ride back because the one here was horrible i hate riding planes over oceans but its not gonna stop me from going places💪🏻😂
3 plz
3- im really close with all of my friends which is pretty much everyone in my grade lol and a lot of upperclassmen too cuz i play v fh and my older brother and i take advanced classes
i have a lot of friends and if i dont like someone im not friends with them-- lifes too short to have friends that make u upset
you chose the green strawberry because you tend to be good at making others feel better and like to think happily
hmm ill try to and if it works ill change the password
Who R U
the games have started
can you give me spam likes
hey haven't you been posting