IF you don't like my posts or what I do here on PC, that's perfectly fine with me. I'm not working for your approval. If you are mad because you think I'm unfair or I called out your "PC SIS BESTIE" you can calm down. I'm doing you a favor. Your "pc sis/b


IF you don't like my posts or what I do here on PC, that's perfectly fine with me. I'm not working for your approval. If you are mad because you think I'm unfair or I called out your "PC SIS BESTIE" you can calm down. I'm doing you a favor. Your "pc sis/b

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I like your account and I don't wanna get in this whole mess maybe what people are saying is some people don't like it when there humiliated in front of millions of people maybe just tell them private? sorry just keep it in mindπŸ’•
I have to agree with Ariana_is_bae on this one
no it isn't its logic.
if people are hurt.. there fine. you just going to put her on private. πŸ˜“
people are always hurt always.
btw change ur account u humiliate people. texts don't show emotion.
you're embarrassing tons of people. this needs to stop. now. they're better wash to handle liars, like, I don't know, call it out on them PRIVATELY
you guys who are against this account why are you here?? they arent gonna stop and they are doing something good. is someone lies then you call them out. its their fault if they lie and they should know bad things happen when you lie. private or not they deserve to be called out if they lie about stuff like this. especially the person who is stealin art. thats illegal where i am and i bet its the same where u are
stop following meπŸ˜’πŸ‘ŽπŸΌ
the account 1isabella_123 is a lier she copied one of my collages and a few other
Please don't follow me anymore.
You think you're some sort of detective? No. Because of YOU she changed her name AND deleted all of her drawings! You basically ruined her whole account. You don't know her in real life, and if you do, you could have just said so. If you NEED to call them out, like you'll DIE if you don't, then do it privately. Please, I don't need to see this bull happening on PC, directed towards other people. I don't care if it's not a "hate page". It's hurting people. Thats the equivalent of a hate page. So please, don't attack people like this. PC is supposed to be a loving community. And please stop following me. Please.
Guys if you dont like this page then leave it, just as you say she/he is hating you are too, im not saying that this account is a right thing to do, what i mean is let people do what they want, they might hurt you but you can just forget about it. As for you callingout_liars i dont think you should call out liers to anybody, maybe you should do it with people that pretend to be others, or you can just tell piccolage want to think instead of telling everybody, that others dont get hurt and you do what you want. BE HAPPY, SMILE AND NEVER LET OTHERS COMMENT HURT YOU (that goes 4everyone). -advice4you-
Lieng is mean, and cant hurt others ego's or worst
can hurt others*
Lying is for jerks, do you want to be a jerk? I should guess that you dont so stop it
plus acussing people is also wrong, is like hating, bullying and tatle telling
callingout_liers let the liers be ashamed of what they've dond
and if u are a lier and read about the jerk thing, im sorry didnt meant it that way, just DONT LIE , and if you dont have something nice to say to me or to others then back off
I'm sorry too for hating, I wasn't trying to, but same as ACuteDreamerFangirlAndWolf, I care about this person they're attacking. Sorry again.
I love your account it like a good news paper
yo hates back off if you don't like this account then leave it! I support callingout_liars completely and onceuponanartist should be ashamed.
I'm sorry but you need to stop this it might hurt other people you don't know what they are going through they might be having a hard time so please stop this. It might make every one feel better
I don't get how people get offended by this he is showing you these people aren't real they are lying
It is not really a favor
I don't have a problem with what ur doing but the only thing that is a problem is that ur only slamming one person. all of the "lies u uncovered" are from one person. all u had to do was do one post and explain everything and Mabey movie one to someone else but at the point were u keep posting things about them then yea it is bullying and I do have a problem with it. I'm not trying to make u feel bad but i just want u to know if u are constantly picking on this one person then this might as well be a hate page for her. And its just a dumb picture who cares if she drew it or not it's her page and she can do and say whatever she wants about it cuz it's on her page who cares
idk y some ppl here are acting like they haven't told at least one lie in there lifeπŸ˜’πŸ™„
Thank you for being a fake follower, if your going to ignore me then please unfollow me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭