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comment people who need to be recognized!


• tap • comment people who need to be recognized!

80 0
then ChurroJesus
wait it’s spelled -I-Need-A-Laifu-
ShatteredCrystal and CoffeeBreak!! also m00nl1ght- meandmeonly-chasingstars- and goofygenius are some of my PC besties and they are sooo underrated
ah and MendesLove08
ShatteredCrystal, EverythingSwift, -shiningmoon-, MyCastleCrumbledOvernight, xXReputationXx, xXStarDustXx
SqueekyPea, PumpkinCole, -I-Need-A-Laifu-
avengebucky, Mariiiiiie, -TR1ANGLES-, cityskysweetner, -SabrinaEdits- and myself 😂💕
could I please have some help please and thank you ❤️
myself 😂 jk I’ve gotten one more feature than I deserve, so ThroughItAll, Euphoria to name a few
ALSO theater_nerd, GingerSnap451, hello_beautiful_
cool idea for an acc!
nice idea
this sounds like a great idea!
love it!!
could I please have some help please and thank you ☺️
me plz I just started and my goal is 50 followers will everyone plz follow me it would mean a lot
could I please have some help with my photography account I understand if your to busy with everyone else.☺️
@-sunflowers-, @nightprowess, @txlented
i nominate texansfan991026 they’re really great
@txlented needs more recognition she is beyond amazing 😉
I nominate hedgehug