Ugg, today I had to go to the hospital. Because I have a limphnode problem. They are really big. 89% of you have no idea what limphnodes are. So yeah I saw Linzzy Olsiean. She is really nice. I also saw Ed Overholt. Tay, you know him. So uh yeah and then


Ugg, today I had to go to the hospital. Because I have a limphnode problem. They are really big. 89% of you have no idea what limphnodes are. So yeah I saw Linzzy Olsiean. She is really nice. I also saw Ed Overholt. Tay, you know him. So uh yeah and then

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lol what with you and Ed these days?!?!
😦um nothing it's just that I just met him today and he's a mini steeeevvvvveeee! Imagine it how we say it steeeeevvvvveeee!😋