Collage by cdawgg


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it’s lala hey :)
your old account was aliall right?
yep yep, i forgot the password :(
as soon as i figure it out i’m back on there aha
lala i’ve missed you so much :(
you too! you’ve been gone for ages :(
yea , just don’t necessarily know what to do anymore
why? are you okay?
i want to leave for good but i can’t just leave tori like that
u wanna leave? :/
yes lala i’m fine
hm, you definitely can’t just leave tori like that, but if you have a good enough reason for leaving then hopefully she’ll understand
yes babe i do :/
why’d you wanna leave tho?
but i wouldn’t want to leave my first girlfriend ever nor my current girlfriend
you and tori mean a lot to me
aha, aw how could i forget :,)
likewise cas, but if you feel like leaving pc will benefit you, by all means you should leave
yes caspian was such a cringey boyfriend
even tho i’ll miss u a lot :(
but a very sweet one 😌
now i’m kind of used to the app so i sort of know how to do those “cute” things now
i don’t think i can leave you :(
don’t worry you were still cute ;)
i will consider staying
i was ;)
not anymore
still a loser tho ;)
that’s greaT, you’ve been gone for ages so we got some catching up to do
haha i love you lala 🖤
so where do you want to start? the part where i almost went to jail or the time i got after school detention?
likewise loser 🥰
whoa whoa, jail?
not a loser 😡
definitely a loser 😠
yes jail , the huge place with bars and inmates inside
stop being annoying, yes jail, you wanna tell me why?
definitely not a loser 😡
sorry babe haha , just got in trouble with the city
not sure if i told you the spray paint story with the train
whatever, ill be nice for once you’re “not” a loser
nope u definitely haven’t but it doesn’t sound good
merci lala
a couple pals of mine decided to go spray paint trains and then the police showed up they ran while i picked up the spray paint bottles and ran
then i tripped and they caught me took me to the police station they didn’t send me to jail they just put me on probation for 6 months
oof :/ you got really lucky cas
i know
if you’re genuinely interested in spray paint and street art, you gotta get a license and then u could actually make a living from your work
just not trains aha
i haven’t been bad since , just party now
well i didn’t do much just stood there and smoked
well don’t completely cut everything from your life, smoking, drinking etc
you just had to take control and minimise your intake cause we both know it’s not benefitting you
yes i know
okay ill stop being your mum and telling u off now heh
what’re u up to loser?
not much just getting ready to go take my mum out to get lunch
what about you dummy?
aw cute
i’m waiting on my brothers to get dinner, i’m starving :(
aw me? i know 🤭
just get me a plane ticket to fly out to wherever you are and i can cook
ew not u
no thanks, don’t want i to burn my house down
you’re soo sweet omg 🤤
dang alright i officially don’t ever want to visit you 😑
of course i am, literally an angel
aha i’m kidding don’t cry
so what caN you make? toast?
no i can make chicken alfredo , french fries , spaghetti, etc
pretty impressive, okay fine you’re allowed to come over and cook for me :)
okay bet
so what exactly will u be cooking me? ;)
anything that comes to mind
COME ON lala 🙁
ill be quite busy in the future :( but i’ll try my best to come online as much as i can
and this is nOt an excuse for u to leave :(
oh okay
hm , kind of is an excuse for me to leave
you not here = sad homie 🙍🏼‍♂️
it definitely is not :(
u can’t leave me by myself
i appreciate it, but you’re popular bro you’re all good
uh nah not even
if anything i’m just friendly not popular
p o p u l a r
not popular
very popular
not even
i’m done arguing even tho you’re pOpuLaR
how are u doing loser? x
i’m doing good , what about you dummy?
can we do something? i’ve missed you even tho you’re very annoying
yes of course
is what u are
no that’s all you loser
stop fighting with me and accept it
i will not accept it
that’s the first sign of a loser: denial
you know what?
lick my bootyy 😔✌🏼
u can keep your booty to yourself thanks for the offer though
what are you doing loser?
artwork 😔 u?
showering doing the scrub a dub dub
you’re a loser dub dub
hold up, how are u showering and texting at the same time?
it’s called being smart
you? smart? HAH what a funny joke
isn’t a joke 🥺
don’t cry
i’m not 😅
loser where are you? :(
i’ve been ignoring my messages but i couldn’t ignore you :(
what’s up?
cas :( i’m so sorry to hear..
ill be on today don’t worry x
cas? is everything okay? you’re not replying
hope you're okay pothead . know it might not be much but i'm here if ya need anything . much love . 🖤
of course . i'm hoping for the best and i believe in you to be your best self w any decisions you make .
never forgotten for sure 🤟
haha, sure hope not 🥺🖤
wow I’m really confused right now
are you okay?