Okay but this is one of my biggest worries


Okay but this is one of my biggest worries

161 0
This is very true for me
so accurate
Same for me. I'm here if you ever want to talk about it :)
same ;-;
@captain mine too...
this is too true for me. honestly it's like every day. I'm only there when people need me and it gets on my nerves because other than that I'm forgotten. it's really annoying, because I spend my own money on presents and I get nothing in return, I never get invited to parties, even if they're one of my closet friends, I'm always there if someone needs advice or help on homework, but if I have a problem it's irrelevant. Can anyone else relate? Ugh enough about me though that was kinda greedy lol. Come talk to me if you ever need it bean, alright? ❤️ ily