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CLIK HERE PLZ comment down below if u want more of these

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I do and I'm glad u liked the icons
no problemo! I like your collages! xxx
aww thx so much
sorry Pic collage is having so many glitches so there r heaps of them! xxx no problemo!
I no! it doz that all the time to me! xxx
u r nice person
erm.. what happened?
ya I no! xxxx can they fix it soon?!
very soon... I hope..
hey I have a question that's rly random...πŸ˜‚do u do gymnastics? Cuz I have an odd feeling that u doπŸ˜‚πŸ˜†
lol could u do a cartwheel or splits?
do u want some tips to get ur split? Cuz I have both left and right leg split so I can help u if u want (yea I've been doing gymnastics for Like my entire lifeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)
lol yes πŸ˜‚ would u like any tips to get it?
lol okay so...first to have splits u need to be flexible where ur waist is. There's a muscle there and it needs to get used to be stretched out. So do some stretching for ur split every time before u do it! It'll help u a lot to get closer and closer to getting it. (if u want any stretching examples,ask) I would say keep doing those stretching exercises and keep doing ur splits like everyday (practice makes perfect) so Ik it's gonna hurt like a lot for the first time but it's because ur muscles aren't used to being stretched out. So that's a reason to always keep doing ur stretching and splits. The more u do it the more ur gonna get it. But do not push yourself so hard do it gradual. Don't worry ur splits will come. The muscles just need to be used to being stretched out that much and soon you'll have it! (want any more tips for anything just ask!)
wow I can't believe I just read that and thx
haha lolπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no problemo!
Goodnight! Have a good sleep!