S h i p


S h i p

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Martha: Yay!! unicorns!! also I'm a huge fan of musicals!! I love bmc! heh!
Martha: Cool!! (I'm ellie I do martha and I love bmc and accounts like this!๐Ÿ’•)
(cool I'm fiowerchild)
Martha: So you and Micheal are like our Ram and kurt right!? (Martha doesn't know she's in a musical๐Ÿ˜‚)
Martha: I SHIP IT!! (yes martha we all do)
Martha: Oh, I'm kinda new to the musical but from what I hear he really likes you and misses you (yes martha but it's not the same๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‚)
Martha: *whispers* I think he's lying (faceplam)
Re:// *bows* Thank you, thank you.
Re:// ((Lol I have no idea. I look like him tho??))