Collage by TheSelectionGames


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Julianne walked into the Common Room. Only one girl was there, as well as the Prince. Her dress was a light pink, almost white, and her hair fell in loose curls.
(Would this girl be Angelica or someone else?😂)
(Angelica, I guess, or you could make her enter. either way💁🏼)
Angelica glanced up from speaking to the prince. She noticed another girl standing there, looking more beautiful that Angelica thought she could ever be.
(Got to go to dinner, I’ll be on later, bye Kayla!💙)
"Lady Angelica! How splendid to see you here!" Julianne exclaimed. || Prince Andrew (?) nodded slightly. "Have you met her yet?" he whispered to Angelica.
“I don’t beleive so.” Angelica whispered back. She turned to Julianne. “I don’t beleive we’ve met yet. What’s your name?”
Julianne smiled brightly. "I'm Julianne!" she said happily.
Angelica smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Julianne!” (I have to go take a shower be back in two seconds)
(Okay I’m back)
(that was quick, my showers are like an hour)
(mine are usually but I was super nervous I was gonna get last pick out of the dresses😂)
(lol, I don't think anyone cares about my Selection anymore tbh)
(back to the rp)
(am I a nobody?😂)
(idk😂jk, you aren't)
Julianne scurried over to sit down somewhat near Angelica and the prince.
(Do you mind roleplaying him?)
(the prince. aka Andrew. do you mind roleplaying him right now? you can go read his description, too)
Angelica scooted over on the couch she was sitting on to make room for Julianne.
(um...okay. I’ll try😂)
(thanks soooo much)
Julianne moved over beside Angelica, curtsying to the prince before sitting.
Angelica turned to face Julianne. “So, are you excited” She asked.||Andrew suddenly stood up. “Ladies, it’s been a pleasure, but my father is expecting me.” He bower before leaving the room.
"Of course. I understand." Julianne said to Andrew. She turned to Angelica. "For what?" she asked.
“I don’t know.” Angelica said. “About everything! This is all so exciting!”
"Yes, of course," she agreed politely. "He seems so kind, but maybe a little stern. What do you think?"
“Hmmm...I can agree with you.” Angelica said nodding. “He also seems a little rude at times. I don’t think he means to though.”//Elisa
"I guess there is a lot of pressure on him at the moment," Julianne sighed. "He won't even talk to me, let alone marry me!"
Angelica smiled sympathetically. “Usually that’s a good sign you know.” She said. “Means he’s to in love to speak to you.”
Julianne shook her head sadly. "He doesn't even know my name."
“You don’t know that.” Angelica said. “Brighten up girl!”
"I guess your right..." she said, not convincing at all. "After all, he could come in at any minu-"
“What is it Julianne?” Angelica said before turning to the door to see the prince standing there.
"You-Your Highness," Julianne stuttered. "What is it?"
“I just wanted to let you girls know that I won’t be seeing you for a little while. Somethings come up. Ate you all right Lady Julianne? You seem scared.”
^Andrew said.
"Uh-I'm fine. Just... just a little, er, shocked?" the last part came out as a question, which was accidental.
“Well then, I’ll be on my way. Goodbye ladies.” Andrew nodded and left the room.|| Angelica smiled. “I told you he knew your name!”
Julianne sighed in relief. "I get so nervous around him! Here, why don't we head to my room?"
(maybe they could get lost, and accidentally run into him again?)
“Alright,” Angelica said standing up and stretching. “Ugh, I’ve been sitting for hours. A lady needs to move sometimes!”
Julianne giggled quietly. "Indeed!"
“Finally, someone who agrees! The last lady I said that to looked at me like I was crazy.” Angelica rolled her eyes.
"I don't think your crazy!" she countered. The girls walked for quite some time. "Do you know where we are, Angelica?"
(Got to get some sleep, goodnight Kayla!💙)
(goodnight! see you soon!)
“I-I don’t think so,” Angelica said looking around nervously. “What do you think we should do?”
"I don't know!" Julianne said quietly.
Angelica started looking around frantically. “I’ve gotten lost once or twice before. But it wasn’t somewhere this big.”