Requested by: @DaphneKitty! Hope you like it! Please do tell me for any changes!


Requested by: @DaphneKitty! Hope you like it! Please do tell me for any changes!

19 3
It's so cute!!! Thank you!! It looks perfect!!
This looks great!!
holy moly. This is so touching, and the words fit so well with the story behind the video ;~;
Hewoo haki-senpai~
>•< how are chuu ;3; i didnt get to ask earlier 😅;-; ((i made it depressing i knuuu))
dash goooood ((o-okieee;3;))
*shrugs* i ish okieee i gueeessshh
•-• see whaaaaaat~? ⊂((・x・))⊃
>\\\\\<*shakes head nu*