I'm honestly SCARED


I'm honestly SCARED

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I have never experienced this so I can't really help you but I'm sure you'll make new friends
I switched school in 6 grade and the best advice is, don't judge people by your former friends, and also make a good first impression
Be friendly and initiate conversations. At the start of the year, most everyone is open to new friendships and probably looking for some. Join clubs, take a genuine interest in people, and trust me! You'll be fine.❤️
I have never switched schools, but this is my advice for you. It is simply a change. It may seem big, only because you are looking at it really close. (that is a metaphor) look at the big picture instead. It is a change. As with all changes, it helps to be open. Open minded, open hearted, open with your feelings, open to new experiences, and so on. And you know what helps me? In the back of my mind I just tell myself, "whatever happens, will happen. and in the end, its gonna be okay. And if its not okay, it sure as heck is gonna be funny😂". These things also make great stories😊😉😂👏🏼
it really never been in that type of situation 😰but if I was I would really help u ☺️
man, i feel you. i'm doing the same and i'm so nervous.
I've changed schools from a public to private- you just need to say hi to everyone and kill everyone with kindness in the first term, when you've made friends show them who you are
i switched schools once, I was little so it was easy, nobody judged you back then.