help :> (tappy)
sorry for the inactivity, sorry for the ppl I’m collabing with, sorry for all the contests I was going to enter/are in, and sorry for the icons I’m doing. also sorry I’m literally the worst. life is a mess ;_;


help :> (tappy) sorry for the inactivity, sorry for the ppl I’m collabing with, sorry for all the contests I was going to enter/are in, and sorry for the icons I’m doing. also sorry I’m literally the worst. life is a mess ;_;

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@caption no you are not the worst!!! life just gets in the way sometimes and that’s okay. please take your time and settle everything in their places 💗💗
back to school = THE END IS NEAR
re: sowwy、got perez
good luck!
that really sucks. i praise you for keeping it together because i would've turned into crumbs by now if i were you. im always open if you needa talk/rant 💓
re: ikr
hEY iTs ok!! I'll wait as long as it takes. I'min eight grade, so I've got lots of Algebra homework piling on!!