I have made a decision I will only tell u if Mary remixes me


I have made a decision I will only tell u if Mary remixes me

36 18
u better get back with her she loves u so much and u told me last night u love her so much and didn't want to leave her u were crying because she rp with some else u love her and she loves u
don't tell everyone that, I sound like a soft asś kinda girl
yeah I love her so much too and her new song
so what's your choice 😅
I can't say until Mary remixes me
how did you fit in that cart?😂👍
remix me and I'll talk
they said they were jade
we ❤️❤️ you jade!! Hope you guys are ok now cuz you guys are the perfect couple!!
never mined
OMG i don't know what to do
baby. someone is pretending to be you
me ?
why me i am ugly
yeah someone really is trying to be you
why the fùck are people trying to be me who wants to be me I'm horrible
you're not horrible
ok I have learned that being my self is the beT thing I don't want to be anyone else
who the fùck is she
no your not babe
maybe here name is Jade to
who the fùck is trying to be me?
HOTGIRL17 and her name is jade
I thought she was you
y the fùck are people trying to be me I swear some people píss me off
get her 👿
Mary I'm not mad at u
ok 😊
I'm talking to her now
cya later
what did she say
not much really she has blocked me, look at ur post u just put up its all on there babe
I'm so happy u to are back together
oh I see
and thank you
yeah so what u doing?
I'm going to run errands wby
I'm at gym at moment
awesome ❤️
Omg You made up Yesss😂❤️😘🤗💕
yeah we did