so today at band camp was good old gender swap day and i saw WAY MORE THAN I WANTED TO. literally ever guy lined up this morning and all got eyeshadow, eyeliner, and blush. they all tied th ōt knots on their shirts too. some girls participated but the guy


so today at band camp was good old gender swap day and i saw WAY MORE THAN I WANTED TO. literally ever guy lined up this morning and all got eyeshadow, eyeliner, and blush. they all tied th ōt knots on their shirts too. some girls participated but the guy

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so today at band camp was good old gender swap day and i saw WAY MORE THAN I WANTED TO. literally ever guy lined up this morning and all got eyeshadow, eyeliner, and blush. they all tied th ōt knots on their shirts too. some girls participated but the guys went all in. they also played all of our old shows on the screen during lunch and snack and we freaked out bc we didn’t know they would. so when they pulled up my grades FRESHMAN YEAR MARCHING SHOW WE ALL SCREAMED AND CRIED BC THAT SHOW IS EVERYONES FAV :’))) they also taught us the entire box drill today?? playing chromatically w it too???? and tomoRROW WERE LEARNING DRILL?????? they said we would on Monday and changed it wOw it’s moving fast. my open house is on Monday so we get to leave whatever we’re doing and go to the arena gym to get our schedules and we’re allowed to go find our classes but we have to be back by snack or sm idk. btw back to the video thing one of our flute techs is about to start her second year of college but when we were freshman she was a junior and they played the indoor winds show from our freshman year (i wasn’t in it i’ve never done indoor) and she was like the main character and had a ton of solos and everyone was yelling and pointing at her bc she was sitting at the tech table w all the other techs and she was really happy and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 anyways i’m still jealous bc Cleta’s band has a cymbal line and we STILL DONT. all bc someone dropped them all on the floor a long time ago bc we even got there and dented the floors so we’re not allowed to have them anymore 😂