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^^ ikr
No I know not everyone hates me. God loves me and so does Jesus. Thats all I really need honestly.
And my BFFL'S and my followers. They all must not hate me. So your wrong.
I don't really care who you are or why your doing this...but I think I got a good guess. Which I do plan to talk to PC about. Honestly, think about it... think about how low you are stooping. Even if she did do something to make you this upset think of how bad you're making yourself look... think of how bad hatepages are.... even if the person "deserves" it. Is this really who you want to be? Or do you want to be the person to let go of negativity and walk away before things get worse...?
I mean, if you think about the things you are saying and posting... they are not even true.