Sad news......I asked this boy to go to this Dance at our school with me and he said yes yesterday and then today my best friend Mack told me he asked her to the dance and she said yes😭😭she didn't know I asked him and I don't want to tell her now😭😭


Sad news......I asked this boy to go to this Dance at our school with me and he said yes yesterday and then today my best friend Mack told me he asked her to the dance and she said yes😭😭she didn't know I asked him and I don't want to tell her now😭😭

19 0
oh that sucks Mia
thx for the opinion I'll make one better
aww that sucks I'm here if you want
😭😭😭😭aw that's sad
awww that sucks I'm here for you if you need me how's Rose?
Awww that sucks :(