Just something I made for a contest....Guys I need help..should I change my username...idk if I do I'm thinking of something like @Disney_Channie or @Happy_Channie or something..yeh Ik they aren't that good...yeh so help me


Just something I made for a contest....Guys I need help..should I change my username...idk if I do I'm thinking of something like @Disney_Channie or @Happy_Channie or something..yeh Ik they aren't that good...yeh so help me

56 1
re:// but it's so freaking G O R G E O U S!!!
re:// awe, tank you.
I think you should stick with this one it's really cute and it fits you but do whatever you are happy with •^-^• btw love this edit♥️♥️
no problem and thank chu!!!♥️♥️
thank you! and honestly same
re:// hmmm my first impression of you? Well I thought your style of editing was really cool! I loved all the sparkles and bright colors!
re//: thank you so much☺️it means a lot💕🙌🏼
spam for spam hun?💋❤️😘
thanks 🔥🙈😘
I LOVE UR ACC WAYYYYYY MORE😻😻😻😻😻😻👑👑👑👑👑👑👑💕💕💕💕💕💕
re// ye i never thought of Yoongi to smoke ;-; but he looks good tbh Xd
Re:// Thank you so much😊❤ Btw, this is beautiful😻
so have you talked to your crush yet?
Taro?yeah but I didn't know he was in a relationship with someone on PC so I got heartbroken
it seems like it the way he acts towards this user I forgot who it is but yeah
Yeah I didn't know either the way he kept complimenting me I thought he liked me but then I took a quick second to realize that he is just a natural nice person which I didn't get heartbroken at first when I realized that but then I saw how close he was to a user on PC so I started to get heartbroken but it's ok like I said none of my crushes like me
yeah idk either but idk....I assume things a lot so he might not but I wouldn't be surprised if he was
even if he is I can't do anything about it except to be happy for him
hahahaha yeah....the man that I really love but also the man that my brother keeps rubbing in my face that he will never love me >_< which is true
awww yeah Got7 came to where I lived in January for a meet and greet and I was like yes!i can meet Mark but I never did
yep now to save up money and live in Korea where we can meet our idols more than once
yes just incase be have Korean beef in our teeth
I only know a little bit of the basics like how to ask what's your name in Korean and a bit more
lol 😂
hey id Namjoon can learn English by friends we can learn Korean by music 😂