It will never end òwó


It will never end òwó

55 0
ummmmm XDD
Are you okay...? Your username is worrying me....
No not really. actually not at all tbh. I feel absolutely dead inside and alone, my sanity is slowly degrading, and MY BOYFRIEND BROKE UP WITH ME AND SOMEONE DECIDED TO DELETE ALL OF HIS COMMENTS EVEN THE GOOD ONES AND IDEK WHO! don't mind me I'm just a complete wreck right now
Aw Cujo *huggles* do you wanna talk?
maybeh ;3;
Would you like to talk about it? (I think PC was the one who deleted his comments, since he deleted his account....)
(Oh .3. ..... But still :T) idrk what to do. I can't function right and it happened on Wednesday so idk why I'm not over it....