Kill me now :/ my names Joey for those who don't know


Kill me now :/ my names Joey for those who don't know

138 4
I'm sorry. I can't deal with this anymore. It's all too sad to look at. I'm going to have to unfollow, and I want you to know that it's not your fault.
this is too sad, I am literally going to cry😭😭😭
read my post
is this actually happening to you or is it just for PC 😢 please don't say it's real, your only 13. AMD hearing this from a 13 year old makes me so sad I can cry.... remember I'll be by your side now and always just please don't be sad change your account for happy forever 😉 ilysm sweet. -Bella
Most of the things I post are relatable to me and I've either done it or thought about it. I would do this on private I use this app to upload them to keep my quotes together and delete them from my camera rolls (so I don't have to explain abou them to the adults) but yes these are quotes and yes these are true to me
I won't because people want me to stay :) but it's what I'd prefer so people don't think info this for attention
yay, I'm glad to hear that 🙂
yay, happy to hear that :D
for life isn't falling down it is falling in to place.
me to can someone hire a hit man to kill me or something?
We love you, please don't do this to yourself. please please please! don't do it because in a few years you will be Super rich famous and happy and feel so Glad that you didn't end your life!