Collage by opheliax


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my own chat page again đŸ„°
i think yours is still up
i know.. and all i can say is to communicate.. everyone is busy and has lives, but if you’re going to be in a relationship you have to have time and put effort into it
yea it sccks and it’s not the same :(
you can anytime :)
i hope he comes on soon and you can work something out
we’re good
i don’t know, we had an indoor picnic today and it was okay, he’s drunk nowwwww and i have to go :( it’s late and i took my pills already
maybeeee i shouldn’t have ruined the moment or given him wineeee, now he’s all woozy
i’ll talk to you tomorrow or whenever we talk again, im going to try to sleep now
hope things work out for you and blue though, maybe you can plan something for the two of you, just don’t get him too drunk 😅
love you, goodnight
good morning
mostly lovey
i wish it was longer
a cold?
teddy bears specifically
thanks but you don’t have to do that
well thank you :)
why is everyone giving me things today? it’s not my birthday or christmas and it’s not mothers day anymore 😅
i doubt it 😂
yea :)
badum bul bum
uh huh i knew you were acting suspicious
it’s okay, i overshare sometimes.. tmi doesn’t exist with me 😂
ooooh sneakyyyy
i think it makes it more interesting when you’re scandalous, it adds.. spice lmaoo
i do too, you get me 😌
hehe me too, i think being scandalous is hot 😏
it was fun but my lovely fiancĂ© decided to jump off of the roof 😂
mhm mhm mhm mhm
yea he’s fine, but he almost gave me a heart attack 😂
i agree
yes i did
i knowwww, you always tell me that, but im glad you have someone now you can do those things with :)
that’s great
yes but i might fall asleep soon
okay let’s talk
what? im sorry ophelia:( did he give you an explanation?
i know :( did you talk to him about it last time you felt this way?
that’s good
you should talk to him but if this is a continuous problem then..
we’re good
i’ve experienced this too many times with exes so aaron knows not to do that and if it becomes too consistent then.. yea
i know how you feel and to feel that way in a relationship sxxks.. you shouldn’t feel lonely or unimportant.. it’s not fair
i am really glad i have aaron and im glad he listens to my worries.. this is the first time in a very long time someone has constantly put effort into the relationship
yea you should communicate with him and let him know how you feel
yea :)
mm he shouldn’t need one
let me know how your talk goes
communication, that’s important. we always communicate with each other about how we feel and listen to each other and find a way to.. compromise
we’d always find something that worked for both of us or if one of us was upset about something, we’d listen to each other and work out our problem
and we learn from and fix our mistakes
yea, alot of relationships lack communication and that’s why they don’t last or some guys or girls don’t think they’re ever wrong in certain situations
besides us loving each other alot, yes
i’m going to go for the night, im not feeling too good and i have a busy day tomorrow. i hope things go well with your talk with blue, love you :)
what :( why?
im sorry love :( it’s better than him leading you on i guess and ending it sooner knowing his circumstances.. but he should’ve given you a chance to try to work it out if it was possible :(
hm :(
were you trying to fill that empty void
no no, that’s what i mean
you were just trying to fill it with friendships, i get it
i do that too when im lonely, i try to make new friends to fill that void
im sorry ophelia
i know.. but he could’ve tried
yea.. like it was the perfect excuse :(
he met your dad?
hm :( he said that? then gave up so easily..
im sorry :( i know i keep saying it but i know the feeling and it sxxks
it might not seem like it now, but it’ll be okay and him not being here was already making you unhappy and feeling lonely.. it was hurting your relationship either way
but it would’ve been better if he tried a little harder
heal and become so much better
prepare for something better
good morning
im okay, you?
still sad? :(
do you want a hug
*opens my arms*
it’s a part of the healing process *wraps my arms around you and hugs gou*
yea we are, but what does that have to do with this?
i know but you just seem to bring up our conversation alot and how you wish to have one like ours
it’s okay, i just noticed it comes up every time we talk
you’ll find it someday, you’ll find the right person to treat you well
it’s not easy and it might take time, i had to learn that
yea.. you always think that until they show you why they’re not
you just have to heal
hey, sorry i didn’t see your other comment
ive missed you too, is everything okay?
im sorry :( i missed you too
im okay, im tireddddd and busier, you?
im sorry love :(
you have to give it time, maybe you’re trying to move on too fast
because it’s trueeeee
mhm :)
soooo who was it
sorry, i missed the notification again :(
oh shixt, im sorry :(
we’re good
it should be okay now, the notification is mixing with other notifications so it’s hard to tell
i can’t agree or disagree with you since i wouldn’t know 😂
you’ll find your person love
do you lean towards girls or guys more
just asking
yea i know :(
me too
mhm, someone who deserves your love
ahh i miss you too and im happy to hear that :)
she’s okay
really? đŸ„ș
yea :)
yea we should :)
i try to beeee :)
with the kids too? that’s going to be alot 😂
my oldest daughter is with her dad, she was with him yesterday for fathers day and my youngest is almost one :)
the twins take some time to warm up to new people
i don’t know if they’ll participate 😂
maybe the older two would
i like to paintttt
come overrrr
*opens the door for you and smiles* hi
*smiles and hugs you* im excited to see youuuuu and so is scarlett
*nods and grins, shutting the door* she’s over on her mat with her toys
*takes your hand and walks into the living room*
*smiles and picks her up* she’s crawling around
*grins* can you say hi scarlett / *looks over at you* -s
she only likes to say momma *grins and looks at her* / *puts one of her fingers in her mouth as she looks at you then back at me*
it’s okay baby *smiles at her* / *looks at you and holds onto one of your fingers
*smiles and kisses her head* one of the cutest baby’s / *giggles and keeps a grip on your finger*
i know, babies are cute *kisses her head*
*puts her down and fixes the gate* what do you want to do / *crawls around*
hmm we can try to play with her, she’s a baby so she’s not going to sit and watch a movie
*takes your hand and walks over to sit down* she likes to throw things sometimes, but we just play around with her toys or she likes to crawl around in here
yea she is *grins and watches her* / *crawls over to grab one of her toys*
like what *watches her play*
i have five siblings, three sisters