Love the beach
Looking for a sweet and cute guy
I have 2 brothers and 1 little sister
I love kids
I have 1 kid


18 Love the beach Looking for a sweet and cute guy I have 2 brothers and 1 little sister I love kids I have 1 kid

5 1
hey there is a girl who wants to date your brother
go follow " 6 runaway kids
ok what is her user?
she wants to get set up with your brother
I will see if he wants to
ok thanks!
tell her he does want to talk to her
does he have pic collage
her username is: 6_runaway_kids
what's your kids name?
his user is: iamarunawaykid_15
oh thanks I found him!
can you tell him to go find 6_runaway_kids! thanks!
and tell him to say: are you the one looking for me?
so that she knows it's him
That's a picture of a model in the background... and in one of your first posts you said you were 15, not 18...
Blocking you... I knew it all along. I can't believe how sick a human can be...