Lil bendy sleeping on my hand


Lil bendy sleeping on my hand

22 1
so coot
so coot
*continues to say "so coot" even after papyrus screams "SHUT THE FÛCK UP SANS"*
I neeeeeewwww!
pfft XD
lol sanzical hates me
so basically he was telling the lgbtq community to kill themselves, so i reported the hate collages and supported the lgbtqs
....where....did he say that...
he restarted his account after he posted that. and when i reported the collages they got deleted.
.. i'll just go, i mess everything up
the heck man....I just feel like he's a ticking time bomb
it's not your fault...I support the lgbtqs
even through I'm straight
...same...and he blocked me...
he won't bother you any more but I'll keep you updated 😉
i remixed one of the collages
...and that's not was even worse the first time...
too kawaii *has le cuteness overload nose bleed*
awwwww, hes so CUTE