I'm in love with both of the Phan songs: 2022 and 2009! 💖>•<


I'm in love with both of the Phan songs: 2022 and 2009! 💖>•<

105 11
I love them too!!! have you heard 2012 and Long Distance Love?
Yes! I forgot to add it in the description!
There's also one called the balcony? have you heard that? it's good but I think long distance love is my favourite
I haven't heard that one... I like 2022 the best, just because it's a little less generic but I can still be listening to it and no one can trace it back to them 😂
I'm listening now...
I'm crying already I'm a wuss
I cry too. the songs are beautiful
Eden and Katherine are geniuses!
I love them so much. have you heard Katherine's song Pink Lemonade?
NO I'm missing out on so much lemme take a sec and watch all her videos 😖
It's beautiful. Katherine has such an amazing voice
Yes! okay, I love both Pink Lemonade and Balcony!
one of these needs to be my ringtone
Ahah might make one of them my alarm
I might wake up slightly happier in the morning then
How would we even do that...?
or slightly more depressed (ahem 2012)
I don't know. I love 2012 so much because you don't really know that it's a Phan song that's the beauty of t
and to think, it was written on YouNow 😆
yep 😄
but I seriously need a way to make it an alarm/ringtone. have you listened to their covers?
thx for the like spam
This is beautiful, I really love it :)💕
I'm crafting so hard rn
I love 2009! I found it earlier today and now I have listen to it litralee 15 times today
yasss. Eden and Katherine. Have you heard 2012?