Please check remixes. I feel awful right now. I don’t want to exist UwU


TAP! Please check remixes. I feel awful right now. I don’t want to exist UwU

10 3
Hmm, well maybe drop some subtle hints, or kinda prod at the idea?? don’t dive in head first just in case she isn’t into girls
right. I’d just try and hang out w/ her and ask some, then try and make a move.
aww mann I’m sorry. They seem pretty supportive tho so it should go well. I understand why you’re scared and it’s okay to be afraid of something like that. Just stay strong 💕 Good luck
ahh, that’s cool! and I’m sure you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself..! if you do, it’s ok! just brush it off and try it again..! and it’d be nice to join the club, if you wanted to maybe tell your parents it’s a study club or smth qwq
I’m better now
I was.. but yknow that never lasts long.
hehe, she acts shy but can be really venomous and direct to those she hates :’3
re// So there’s this website that has premade characters and you customize them so ye
not rlly much of a concept ig
but yeah same character.
wELl I mean ig its a character I just like making myself look fancy bc I’m ew
aa ty! and yeah, I’m ok qwq I went to the beach today, and slammed my foot against a rock in the sea cutting it and damaging my toe. then my uncle bought us a ride on a banana boat and I think the driver was trying to kill us-
ig, the sona is actually more complex but they didn’t have the options I needed soo
my mom was the one who bought the bracelet and she’s homophobic łmāo
oh, ohno..! that’s not good..! I hope you don’t get fired because I’m guessing you really enjoy this job (?) if not, then it’s a good thing and you have the freedom to find another
ohwow,, they shouldn’t have shouted at you. just for talking to a co-worker? isn’t that a bit harsh..?
I hope you feel better soon, you don’t deserve to feel like dat D: