Collage by victoria_0


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ok hey
what you wanna talk about
um I’m just bored
......umm why are y’all in here you can talk with me just what do you want to talk about
hey y’all actually can’t talk with me here cause this is only for me and my friend
hi I’m sorry
hey my bae just had to delete her account cause her dad said but she’s going to try to make a new one
it’s ok
I forgive you 😊
what if she never makes an account
she still follows me so I can talk to her
she’s already made a new account?!!!!
no she said she ps deleting the app now
oh but she’s going to make a new one right ?she told me that she’d try
I’ll ask
she said that she can’t/won’t because she’ll get in trouble
what ok how do you get all this info
because she still follows me but ow she doesn’t cause I can’t go on her account anymore
stop being mean
oh well can you ask her to make a new account and then tell her I said please!!!!!!!
I’m sorry 😐
well can you tell her I said to please make a new account!!!!!and fast
I’m depressed right now and I’m crying literally.
well can you tell her to make a new account please and fast!!!!!!
I can’t she already deleted it
dang it
leave me alone shyla
leave me alone