Thanks for 140 followers!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for 140 followers!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey I saw your comment on addi's page. and I just wanted to clear things up for you! Tyler was addi's ex boyfriend's sister. she was friends with addi and with us too on kik. but then addi left to her other sisters wedding and she broke her phone and she couldn't talk to us. while addi was away tyler though it would be a funny idea to tell us that addi died and she sent us a video of her talking and saying her goodbyes. we feel in her trick and thought addi died until yesterday. addi came into our chats and said hi. we were really confused. and we know it's the real addi because we know her so well. so apparently we all fell into Tyler's trap and cried for days for nothing. but now we're so glad addi is back!
k thanks😉