lets do a debate in the comments of who was at fault for the titanic bc i did one in class and fūcked those little shįts up and im just proud if my knowledge


lets do a debate in the comments of who was at fault for the titanic bc i did one in class and fūcked those little shįts up and im just proud if my knowledge

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*silently waits for debate and regrets even saying it*
it was the iceberg's fault for just being there like smh all it did was take up space in the ocean. it's parents didn't go to work everyday for it to just sit there. it needed to get a job and grow up. technology has ruined the world.
^^i mean what has the world come to all the young icebergs aren't even contributing to society they're just sitting there like didn't their parents raise them to be productive? this new generation is just turning out to be couch potatoes.
the company who made the ship was also shītty i mean they didnt even use quality metal they mostly just made the titanic to break a world record, for fame and money and with actual good quality metal the damage wouldn't have been that major
it was the crew's fault bc they purposely didn't have enough lifeboats bc it was allegedly "unsinkable" when the fact is the build wasn't actually "unsinkable", just a little bit tougher to sink than most ships
it was literally the boat people's fault for not having enough lifeboats
the crew wasnt involved in the amount of lifeboats. the company didnt build enough life boats for every passenger because they thought it would "ruin" the appearance and they wanted to make more space for the first class passengers so they could earn more money
if the captain didn't decide to turn the last minute and let the ship go straight through the ice earth it wouldn't have sunk. but then again, it's the company's fault for not putting more work into the material used for the ship