U go above 35 and he starts freakin like 😂


U go above 35 and he starts freakin like 😂

10 0
Lol so babe how did fxck face figure it out
she just did and it doesn’t help when she holds me down by the throat cuz she suspects something
Oh so what she do then?
she flipped at me and said she wouldn’t tell anyone or my parents and shït but I don’t know tbh
Well fxck and y is that namless peaker head sendin hearts and sshhiitt?? sorry lol i seen that and flipped
wait who? was it a comment or some shït
oh I dunno
Lol yee a comment sayin that u look gorgeous without make up or smothin and wit a bunch of hearts
yea I just saw that I dunno I didn’t pay attention to that tbh lol
I had zero makeup on all day and John laughed at me cuz I looked wayyy different apparently lol
yea ima probs always have makeup on around u cuz I look trash without it
I look trash in general tbh 😂
Nah babe u dont and thats honestly me sayin i dont look good wit a tank top lol
And no babe u look hella gorgeous in general
pfft u look pretty damñ good in a tank top lol but eh maybe decent wen I care about my makeup... otherwise nahhh lol
Lol i bet you still look hella gorgeous with out make up
well I mean that pic of me in the truck I had no makeup on like at all
Lol u still look hella gorgeous tho
pfft lol
I mean I doubt I look good shoving food into my face like ask John tbh 😂
we had hot wings while he was over... like god 😂
Lol nah babe i dont make funn of people for that
lol well I mean I’m not shy with food sooo maybe that’s a good thing
Lol yea
I has cereal
Well babe it honestly sounds like ur feeling better then yesturday
sorry I’m bored lol
lol well felt like shït again this morning but rn I’m not dying
Lol thats good
lol yea... kinda like this cereal.... this cereal is rly good
sorry I’m sooo fxcking bored 😂😂😂
Lol well im watching drag racing and i want this one car
lol u want like every car
well fxck wes might die tomorrow
Y what did he do now
nothing yet I just won’t have my earbuds on the bus
if he annoys me I’ll kill him
Well u can do that
okie... dammït baaaaaabe
What babe
I rly should stop eating these since cinnamon and chips don’t mix but oh well
I ran out of cereal 😢
Lol kk
I loooovvvveeee uuuuu baaaaaabe
Lol kk bae
Love u to baby girl❤️❤️❤️❤️
😊😊😊 I’m so hyper and like lovey rn if u can’t tell😂 I wanna sleep like with u and cuddle and sleep and chocolate 😐🤤
sorry lol
Lol ill pass on the chocolate but the cuddling and sleepin ill do
okie welll I like chocolate cuz ima fat aśsssss but I wanna cuddle and sleep... ugh Tuesday or wutever day should b here if that makes sense lol
damñ I gotta make an excuse to not go to Johns tomorrow fxck
Y u comin to Johns
he wants me to go over for dinner after school but I kinda don’t wanna sooo I gotta come up with an excuse so I don’t have to go
Ok then
Aye babe im go ake a shower and go to bed lol night babe love u❤️❤️
I dunno I’d hang out with ur aśs but ima take a guess and figure u probs got shït to do so I dunno wut to tell him
Nah if u wanna come over u can
I have nothin to do so yea u can come over if u want
okay I mean that’s up to u I just honestly don’t wanna go to Johns ugh... k babe I love u tho ❤️ don’t die
But yea ima got lol night babe see u tomorrow
Lol come over if u want lol night❤️❤️
okay I’ll just leave before ur parents get there goddd okay love u babe ❤️❤️
KK love u ❤️❤️
babe I srslyyy doubt ur gon see this but don’t think I can go hang out tomorrow ppl r throwin a bxtch fit I mean I kinda need to get like it’s too stressful here but ig not... just love u babe ❤️ yea sorry my mom is all pïssy rn over my math but yea ig