Current Mood: Black


Current Mood: Black

122 0
why do u have a check next to ur name
I luv ur account wonderful!💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Hi Prislay
Okay so recently I told waybackintolove if she could co-own my acc she said yes so I left her my old pass on one of her collages, then she said she couldn't Becuase she was busy then Cecil2004 scrolled down WayBackIntoLOVE's page and found my pass so she told me and I decided to change it then I logged off I don't know why IAnd some how I forgot that new pass I entered, Please Help me LatteBunny Said you could help me!!!! And in case you are wondering I am SweetPhotos15 this is just my other acc
Please help me
Please Help me
Please Help Me
Please Help Me Prisslay sry if I spelled your name wrong but plz help me I tried the OMG forgot password! thing but never worked Please Help me
Please I will do anything
Hi, girly 🤗 I noticed someone else who wanted to submit a sticker pack has been collecting images from the internet and claiming they've made them. Their username is -hippie-. I just thought you'd like to know. If you do respond to me, please respond on my older posts so they don't see it. I'd like to remain anonymous.