apparently people touching your boøbs isnt all the hype


apparently people touching your boøbs isnt all the hype

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@caption wha t
@caption ...Context please?
@caption wait give us some background info cause that could not have just come out of left field
why is it you guys decide to read the worst captions?
wait... what do you mean and I read all of your caps 😂
i dont dig human contact ^
Immensely uncomfortable for both parties.
@caption do I need to kill someone for you brother ?
^nah we good fam just my friends being awkward twàts
^^ alright good bro 😎 if it's ever anything else the code word is balloon animal and I'm there okay?😎 if it's all fun and games then the word is toilet fam 😎
^thanks fam you always there 👌🏻 chill and far out 😎✌🏻
^^ of course fam your my fam there will never be a time I'm not there for you fam😎✋🏻my Smol brother we stay chill and far out all day everyday fam 😎 👌🏻