(i always show the b/w and colour version just btw) the lighting's different bc i turned the light on to colour it and it looks a lot cuter with colour i love this it's too bad that it's super small and that i drew it on a crossword puzzle


(i always show the b/w and colour version just btw) the lighting's different bc i turned the light on to colour it and it looks a lot cuter with colour i love this it's too bad that it's super small and that i drew it on a crossword puzzle

36 0
IT'S ??? SO ??? GOOD ???
THANK !!! YOU !!!
ur style is so sweet and lil and cute
That's really cute omg
^^ thank you @both of you also @allie thank you i personally hate my style bc it's too scratchy and not round enough but thanks
aw it's so cute! I love your art style!
thank you!!