I deserve to die. And I'm sorry I'm braking promises but I need to die. I can't hurt anyone else. I'm sorry but y'all will be ok. U will forget in gone. I will leave my acc up for those who want to still see it.


I deserve to die. And I'm sorry I'm braking promises but I need to die. I can't hurt anyone else. I'm sorry but y'all will be ok. U will forget in gone. I will leave my acc up for those who want to still see it.

18 9
please don't, if you go, I'll lose my best friend, u said you'd always be there for me but I'm never here for you, if anyone deserves to die, it's me, I'm a terrible friend
no one deserves to die and you are not gay if you are female are you ?
please don't leave don't commit suicide please you have a place in this world
you belong here, *runs after you and hugs you tight, not letting go* I'll remember you
no please don't
I can't lose you
no don't!! I can't lose another person!!
especially not you 😢
Please don't leave! Whatever you think , are not a waste of time. Your are on this planet for some reason. And that reason is not to off yourself. You being this cool , beautiful, amazing human being is what makes us all want to spend as much time with you. You are the kind of friend I want these days. You understand other people options and outlooks but— we don't understand exactly what is going on with this choice you've made. It will get all better . Trust me. Long ago , a figure in my life was murdered and she was like having a second mom. I was depressed and wanted to kill myself . But I didn't . If I didn't kill myself, I wouldn't be here right now talking to the amazing person you are. No matter how terrible or depressed you might feel , you will always be a rockstar to all of us. So please , don't say goodbye . Don't ever say goodbye.
you have to stay
Kat you can't
no! I'm not letting another person in my life go
Kat I need you alive
I'll be a better friend
no you can't die. it's not your time
you have your whole life to live
if you die, I die
no 😥
you have a life 😢 you can't just end it here 😭
you have the rest of your life to live, if it's your end, it's my end too
I can't live without you
and even if I could I can't live without the people who will go if out do
*if you do
if you do, I'll be lost and I won't have the strength to fight, I can't lose you, I can't live without you
I can't let go of you
why does everyone expect me to just carry on if I lose people who mean a lot to me?
it's really wierd coz your a really nice person but your so upset,this world doesn't make sense