Plz come back


Plz come back

11 0
I can't 😞😓 I hurt more people I got hurt and it's killing me I don't want to hurt more people on PC it's enough irl
you didn't hurt anyone, we all love you and want you to come back
ik but I'm hurt I just want to be a shadow under my bed I haven't talked for this is my third day today was hurt people irl tho
it's not your fault
why am I the one hurting everyone tho why am I the one who gets like eaten alive by 7 people
because you're not hurting them purposely, if you are hurting them, you don't mean to
but how do I stop hurting them
by knowing how you're hurting them
and then not doing what hurts them
idk what I'm doing tho I walk down the street and they get hurt I have to hide under my bed they are like zombies
idk why she won't
ur not hurting anyone
I wish she would I would talk to her but I'm in Cornwall
i seem to be