This came out absolutely NOTHING like I intended it to! QOTP: write a witty response for the question "What's up?"! Respond in the comments or remixes!


This came out absolutely NOTHING like I intended it to! QOTP: write a witty response for the question "What's up?"! Respond in the comments or remixes!

125 0
I love this so much! looks like -ZEPHYR-'s style💕
well it's beautiful!
The real question is: what's down? below anything and everything? answer that and the sky won't be so witty a response anymore
what is that^^^😂
lol it's okay I'm not saying it's bad I use people's style in my collages all the time. besides, this looks beautiful!!
I love it!!
i saw ur comment on rating accs account and no it isn't me💕if u don't believe me then I swear on my best friend's life🤗
This is beautiful! My witty response would be "the opposite of down. Didn't you watch Sesame Street?" 😂