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nice and peaceful I wish I lived there
That profile picture tho- I LOVE IT OMG /:Max
I'm listening to house of gold rn 😇😂👏🏻
Baby did you hear what happened? stupid mf's ripped his shirt and took his shoe 😑
yes I did babe. 😣
Poor guy
I know and josh heard him saying it
awh :(( I changed my cousins diaper. I swear to god she never stops popping..
😂❤️ aww
the whole room stinks now omg
okay ew. 😂👌🏼
her dad is gonna pay me 80$ for changing her diaper cause no one wanted to change it 😂👌🏻
😂 wow. and I might fall asleep I have a bad tooth ache and I'm in a car and car rides always make me sleepy
Awh hope you get better baby ❤️
I hope I do too, and thank you baby I I'll try for you ❤️💖
I miss you //Max
I miss you more baby
Jackson was so high he adopted 7 cats and 2 dogs 😂😂😂😂 He doesn't know what the fxck to do with them, he's so confused
😂😂 Aw
I want sone cats and dogs. I'm a lonely cat lady.
You're so adorable omg 😂😂 Michael's dog has gotten big, kinda.
I know I am 😉😂
Good 🙃😂 Austin called me :/
:( what he say
he wants to talk, I'm going to his house
:/ fine..
I have to...
go on then :(
I talked to him
Aria I'm gonna kill him...
why? 😖
Nicole was there....
and what happened then?
He was gonna...Do stuff to her
I don't like that word....
she was tied up. she was crying...
I don't either. let Amy and Sarah talk to him. they'll make him understand. if I talk to him I'll kill him.
Fine I'll have to go back to his house if they wanna talk to him. he let Nicole go
no let them go by there selves. Michael and Malik can handle it them selves. 👌🏼 you've done enough and I want you to help Nicole.
I talked to Nicole...Malik is at his house..Michael is on his way there
k well Sarah and Amy are both gonna talk to him and try to reason it all
Okay I'll text Malik, he'll have to give his phone to Austin
okay. well just be ready he's kinda scary. I can't really do anything. I'm pregnant I don't want anything bad to happen to the kids.
Hey Aria, it's Austin. I won't hurt you. I mean yes if you really píss me off, I will
why are you talking to me? 🤔
Cause I wanna. Hru?
well I don't wanna so bye 👋🏼
Well I'll just go and hurt Max so bye 👋🏼
Is everything ok?!? it's Jackson. I'm at Max's and someone just shot the window
well Max can beat your a** anytime and day so hop off
Ariana is okay. just so you know. Amy and Sarah are being held at gun point. load up in safety now.
idk! I can't do anything I'm f****** pregnant 😣
When are you gonna give birth? weren't you go naive birth in Hawaii??
gonna give**
I was but idk. I went to the doctor and they said it would've been too early.
TBH we really need you and your bada** tricks n s**t 😂👏🏻
I'm not bad a** tf 😂
You are, you are the most bad girl I know. 🙄👏🏻😂
you areeeeee
yeet no. he still don't have Ariana. so. and are Michael and Malik gonna save them
Heh. good luck. he's dangerous
😒 wow thanks. I'll handle if you guys don't want too
Girl. No. don't go alone, I'll come. Besides, Michael and Malik are out. Austin gave them a mission...
buuuut Austin is beating Sarah and pulling Amy by her hair.
I swear to god if Malik and Michael finds out about this.
yeah he's been threatening them and making them work for him. or else
yeah I can't do anything just get a bullet proof jacket.
don't go okay? who knows what'll he do to you
I won't but please just help them
I'll try
what's up with Max