my name is cc,
I'm 15
Straight asf 
I'm a cheerleader 
And part of this gang ig


Hi, my name is cc, I'm 15 Single Straight asf I'm a cheerleader And part of this gang ig

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no offence she don't look straight
sorry 😐
it's cool- cc
no seriously
a lot of ppl say I'm not straight but I am, I used to be bi when I was 13 and so yeah
oh why did u swap from being bin
first I'm gonna stop with "-cc" first, but I stop being bi bc ppl were calling me names and making fun of me, I got bullied, they made me lose my girlfriend and everything
that's nasty asf
I got called names when I dated a girl for the first time they were all like omg u date a girl and yet this is coming from a girl that is gay
yeah, and I used to be emo, but everything changed
babes, don't change who u r just to impress others be who u want to be not who others want u to be
btw I call everyone babes
and thanks
it's okay be who u want to be if u want to be emo and bi then be emo and bi
thanks boo (and I call everyone boo)
that's okay I need a boo 😂😉
aren't u engaged??
not anymore
what happen?
idk lol
do u love Vannah?
as a friend yeh
why has she said something?
cute, but not my type, and hey I'm cole
cc u on
hey sorry, cole logged me out of my iPad- cc
oh hahaha
anyways where were we
all Vannah told me was she liked u more then just a friend and she wish she could have dated u- cc
oh I'm sorry 😔
I did like her more than a friend
but that was in the past
yeah Ik- cc
I'm crushing anyways
who is your crush?- cc
I don't wanna say 😔
tell me plz, Vannah won't come in this she knows better then that, so plz tell me boo?
okay don't get mad
I won't get mad now tell me
it's u boo
u are crushing on me?
yeh 😔
well brb boo
okay boo
hey boo- cc
hey babes
wyd- cc
talking to u
cool- cc
yeh anyways can we finish talking about before u went
so I told u I was crushing on I
I got to make something
real fast, but first are u single or taken?
okay... ❤
are u single or are u taken?
everyone hate me in your family ok I hate seeing u heart broken
but I don't want drama
😭- Vannah
I'm sorry
plz don't cry
I'm sorry I don't want drama
plz stop crying plz
I have to go now 😭- Vannah
what Jack-Vannah
I'm sorry
😭, I gtg for now, I'm helping with my grandchild, i might not be old but I'm a godmother- Vannah
^ yea that just ruined everything
I'm helping Cleo out- Vannah
hey boo
hey boo- cc
are u still single?
how r u boo u never came back on last night I missed u 💘
sorry went to sleep, but I'm good
good boo and it's fine 😂💘
are u still single?
I posted something