Collage by Lokis_Girl


0 49
Chris stop this
What the hêłl has gotten into you?
I'm tired and frustrated and done.
On the day I'm coming to see you?
Is this my fault?
Not entirely. In fact, it's only about .01% your fault. And even that's iffy.
What are you frustrated about? What're you done with...
You want me to stop this? Explain to me why I'm never enough to make people stay or to make them want something better. Explain to me why it's so easy to leave me. Explain to me why I always end up here. Explain to me why I can't be strong. Explain to me why I fail in everything I do. Explain to me why people think I'm less than trash. Explain to me why I'm a fxcking joke. Explain why I have to play this game every day of my life.
You turned to cigarets and drinking and drugs. Why shouldn't I do the same? Is there anything stopping me? No. The only reason I never did was because I was hoping that I could keep hold of who I was during this crazy adventure. Why shouldn't I?
I don't want you to turn to that śhït.... please.. don't...