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Roles(Your in the military, I get kidnapped, you save me, we have sexy time in hospital, you bring me home, we get married two weeks later, our sexy time goes to the next level, and we adopted a teenager)
Wow okay xp
u start
*Fighting in military*
*You hear a scream*
*I run and out a building and you realize that I was kidnapped in America and brought to Afghanistan*
*A guy stabs me once and shoots me twice*
*Runs over*
*He runs off*
*Lifts you*
*Takes you behind building*
*Looks at you* Don't hurt me
*Hugs you*
*Laughs* What's that for?
cause you're attractive
*Smiles* You too.
*Smiles* Thanks
You're my hero
*Smiles. Holds you close*
I need to get you out of here.
*Kisses you slowly* I hope you're into girls
*Kisses back*
*Smiles and kisses again*
*Smiles* can you bring me the hospital
*we are at the hospital now and we are in a room*
I need to know your name since you're my hero
*The doctors are about to examine you*
*They fix me up and they leave*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
So how will you get back to America?
I don't know
Kiss me
*Kisses back* what's your name
Keely. Yours?
Can I see your breasts, I'll let you see my breasts
*Looks at you. Laughs* Sure. (I can stay late tonight, can you?
I'll try to stay late, I promise 💖
*Takes off shirt*
*Does the same*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
They're beautiful.
You're beyond beautiful
*Looks at your breasts* Keely
*Looks at your breasts*
*Holds you close*
*Holds you close*
*Kisses back*
*Smiles* I can get you back to America.
I wanna be with you
I'm working.
I'll join
Are you sure? I can go home in 2 days.
k, I'll go back
*Smiles* I still wanna talk to you though.
*Smiles* Ok, what do you wanna say
I mean I don't wanna lose you.
*Hugs back*
I want you to come with me
I want that too.
can you
Idk, I'll try to persuade general.
*Kisses you*
*Smiles at you*
*Kisses* Wait here.
*Smiles* Ok
*Smiles at you. Walks out*
*Smiles and waits*
*Talking to general*
*Sits in chair*
*Goes in room*
I get to go with you.
Yay *Smiles*
Pick me up
*Picks you up*
*Kisses you* Ily
*Kisses back* Ily2.
Let's go.
*Holds your hand. Makes way to airport with you*
*Back in America*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
*Kisses* So where do we go?
I don't know
Let's go stay at a hotel.
*Checks into hotel*
*Goes into room, jumps on bed, and lays down*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
Tell me more about yourself, Kate.
I'm sexual
I'm only attracted to females
I lap dance
pole dance
and more
*Smiles at you*
you're turn
Um well, I'm like you!
*Smiles and kisses*
*Smiles* Does the does the general know that you're only attracted to females just like me
Lay on me
*Lies on you*
if you could marry anyone in the entire world, who would you pick
Obviously you!
you also
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you*
Marry me?
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
Marry me too
*Smiles* Of course.
My Princess.
*Smiles* Nvm.
*Smiles and tickles you* Please tell me
Please tell me
*Looks at you*
What do you think about adoption?
*Smiles. Hugs* Cool.
*Hugs* Lets go then
*Stands, we get in car, I drive, we arrive and we walk inside*
*Holds your hand*
*Talks to staff there*
*Holds your hand*
*Holds yours. We get to see the people who can be adopted*
*Looks with you*
*Keeps holding your hand*
*Looks at you*
*Smiles at you*
*Walks away to talk to you*
*Walks with you*
Who do you want?
you pick
*Smiles* Okay *Kisses*
*We adopt*
*Looks at you* What should we do now
Take her home.
*I drive us home, we go inside our house*
Keely, what's her name
*We show her around*
*Looks at you* Keely
*Whispers in your ear* Will we be able to do sexy time with each other still
*Laughs* Yes, of course.
*Hugs* Ily
*Hugs* Ily2.
*She goes in her room and shuts the door*
Sexy time Keely sexy time
*Smiles at you*
*Goes in out room and undress me and you*
*Lays on bed* Come
*Smiles. Goes on bed*
*Puts you on top and we have sexy time*
*Smiles* You look beyond sexy
*Smiles at you*
Hold me, Princess.
*Holds you*
*Smiles. Kisses*
*Kisses* ily
Should we tell our adopted daughter that there's gonna be a wedding soon.
Do you think she might wanna go
*Smiles* Yeah.
*Smiles* Lets go speak to her then
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles and we get dressed*
*Walks out and knocks on her door*
*Goes with you. She answers*
*She goes in the living room and she sits on the couch*
*Sits with you*
*Holds your hand* Can you tell her
*Smiles at you*
*Explains wedding details to her*
*Holds your hand*
*Smiles. Holds yours*
*She says" When's the wedding"*
*Looks at you* Monday.
(I won't be on Monday)
*Looks at you* Tuesday
Oh, yeah *Smiles* (Aw. I guess I'll be outside all day then cause I'll be in Spain. I'm gonna miss you a lot)
(you too)
(We will be able to talk Tuesday right?)
*Kisses you*
(Of course. Maybe not as much though idk, I'll try to stay in the resort all day)
*Our adopted daughter asks us if she can call us mom*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
*She gives us a hug*
*Smiles. Hugs back*
*Hugs back too*
*Smiles* Ilya.
I'll go buy some more food and drinks
*Grabs car keys* I love y'all
*Kisses back*
Bye, Princess.
(is that I Rp)
*Drives to the store*
*Waits in*
*Comes back with a bloody nose*
*Walks to you*
*Tries to hide my bloody nose*
*Tears up* What happened?
What happened?
Got jumped*Cries*
*Cries. Hugs*
*Our adopted daughter asks why I'm crying*
*Looks at her. Tells her not to worry*
*Looks at you and cries* I think I was stabbed also
Kate. *Tells her to go to her room*
*I lift up my shirt to check, when I look there's a knife sticking out of my stomach*
*Cries. Kneels next to you. Pulls knife out*
*She comes out to see what's happening*
*Hides knife. Smiles at her* Your mum needs the hospital. Come get in the car.
*looks at you with you with tears in my eyes*
It hurts
Have someone pick our daughter up, she can't see us like this
*Tears up. Calls child minder*
No, don't let them take her away forever
let her go to a friends house
(I think child minder has a different meaning in America*
Wait here one sec *Wipes tears goes to her room*
*Shes crying*
Heyy, what's wrong?
*She says* Will she make it
*Hugs her* She just feels ill, okay *Forces smile* Don't you wanna go to a friends house?
*She says* Yea I'll go
*Smiles* Alright then. We'll be at the hospital.
*A ambulance arrives*
*I put you in*
*She goes inside a friends house*
*Gets in with you*
*Holds your hand*
*Holds yours*
*Forces a smile*
*Holds back tears*
Hold me
*Holds you close*
*Tears up*
*Wipes your tears*
*Forces smile* Let's be strong.
*At hospital*
*Gets scared*
*Holds your hand*
*Holds yours*
*Doctor starts to examine you*
*When he looks at my breasts he stares*
*Looks at him*
*Tears up*
*Pushes his arms away*
*He looks at you confused*
*Wipes your tears*
*Closes eyes*
*Holds your hand*
*He looks at them again*
*Tells him to stop*
*He walks off and I start to cry*
*Tears up*
*Wipes your tears*
*Hugs back* We'll get a different doctor.
Ok *Cries*
*Wipes your tears. A different doctor starts to examine you*
*Gets scared*
*Holds your hand*
*Shivers cause I'm cold*
*Looks at you*
*gets colder*
*Doctor finishes examination*
*My body temperature is cold*
*Looks at you* Princess?
I need a blanket
*Gets blanket for you*
*Puts it over you*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles* Do I have to stay the night in the hospital
No, Princess.
*Doctor comes to fix stab wound*
*Cries cause it hurts*
*Holds your hand*
*Calms down*
*They finish. We can leave*
*We arrive home*
(Shall we refer to the daughter as 'Molly'?
Should we call Molly and say we're home?
Alright *Kisses*
*Picks up phone*
*Lays on bed*
*Sits and tells her*
*She says" Be home in a few min"*
*Smiles* Alright *Puts phone down*
*Tears up*
*Looks at you* What's wrong?
*Wipes tears* Its nothing
*Lies with you* Tell me.
*Wipes you tears*
Tell me, Princess.
*Tears up* What's wrong?
I'm scared *Cries*
What if the person comes back *Cries*
*Hugs* They don't know you, right?
they do know me*cries*
*Tears up* I'll look after you and Molly.
*Wipes your tears. Molly comes in*
*Molly asks why I'm so sad*
*I tell her you're still a bit ill*
*Molly goes to her room*
*Hugs you*
Don't worry, Princess.
*Calms down*
Will you marry me
*Smiles* Of course! We already arranged it. *Hugs tightly*
*Hugs tightly*
*Smiles. Holds you close*
*Holds you*
*Rests head on you*
*Looks into your eyes* How is Molly doing, she had to see me not well
*Kisses* I'll go check on her. You coming?
*Kisses back*
*Goes to her room*
*She answers*
*Holds your hand* How are you, Molly?
*Holds your hand and she says* Sleepy
*Smiles* You okay from before?
*She forces a smile* Yea
Molly, are you sure?
*Smiles* Get some rest then.
*She shuts door*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
*Walks to room*
*Walks with you* I don't think she's really okay
Talk to her, Princess. I'll listen through the wall.
*Waits in room*
*Me and her talk*
*Walks out*
*Waits in room*
*Comes in*
Princess, what did she say?
She wouldn't talk
Aw *Hugs*
Is she sleeping?
I don't know
Alright. Maybe we should buy her gifts tomorrow *Smiles*
*Smiles* Yea
*Lies down*
*Gets on top of you*
*Smiles at you*
Hey, Princess *Smiles*
*Smiles at you* Let's sleep until morning.
*Smiles* Okay
*Puts duvet over us*
*Smiles. Sleeps*
*Its morning*
*Holds you close whilst sleeping*
*Smiles at you*
*licks and wakes up*
*Smiles* Morning, Princess.
*Smiles* Morning angel
*Rests head on you*
you too
*Smiles. Sits up*