Collage by KatAndHerFandoms


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Thank you. I just hope that this helped you. I know how you feel and have felt that way before, but if you stay strong you will get better. πŸ’–
why did u bring me into it
^Im sorry, I wasn't trying to make you upset too πŸ˜–. It just seemed like they were upset and you weren't helping them, but I'm probably being dumb and misinterpreted your comment.
if u read my posts u will understand why I wanna kill myself
I'm so sorry, I feel like a terrible person, please forgive me. And please don't kill yourself, you don't deserve it either. 😭
I never meant to make you more upset, I'm sure you are an amazing person. I just got carried away trying to help @live_evil2 and I guess I didn't think before I typed that thing about you, I'm so sorry. I really do hope that you get better and please stay strong. ❀️
thanks this means alotπŸ’•βœŒπŸ»οΈ
You're welcome! Thank you for not hating me... πŸ’–