I ! Hate ! Myself ! And ! My ! Life ! Why ! Doesn't ! Anyone ! Care ! About ! Me ! I'm ! Not ! An ! Attention ! Seeker ! I ! Just ! Don't ! Get ! Enough ! Attention !


I ! Hate ! Myself ! And ! My ! Life ! Why ! Doesn't ! Anyone ! Care ! About ! Me ! I'm ! Not ! An ! Attention ! Seeker ! I ! Just ! Don't ! Get ! Enough ! Attention !

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calm down babe x what's up
friend you are perfect just the way you are. we all care about you. *strokes ur hair* you are beautiful and fabulous and funny and we love you for who you are.
you're! perfect!
ok but same and you're skinnier than me
thanks guys but I'm like 120 lbs ,,, probably more ,,,,,,
at least you don't have anorexia. I'm 12 and I weigh 62.3 lbs
yo what the fûck my friend i have seen u 10000 times and ur weight is completely normal